Report from the round table "Climate change and energy"

Serbian Energy Law Association’s first round table called “Climate Change and Energy” was held on May, 11th 2021 in the form of a web conference. The panelists agreed that the topic on the fight against climate change is multidimensional and that it has an impact on all segments of society, state, economy as well as every individual.
Simon Ilse, director of the Heinrich Böll Foundation’s Regional Office in Belgrade, opened the conference by pointing out that the fight against climate change has become part of every activity aimed at sustainability. By emphasizing the importance of the dialogue in the field of climate change Branislava Lepotić Kovačević, the President of UPES, announced that UPES will continuously and comprehensively deal with the balance between climate change, on the one hand, and energy demand and security, on the other. Miloš Kuzman, Vice President of UPES, briefly presented the Law on Climate Change, while Gordana Petković, an expert in the field of environmental protection, explained the effects of this law on society, public institutions and participants in the application of this law in practice. Aleksandar Kovacevic, Group 15 Energy Advisor of the National Convention on the European Union, pointed to significant material effects of climate change, their diversity and the need for a new legal framework that would support sustainable energy investments. Mirjana Drenovak Ivanovic, a Professor at the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, spoke about human rights and the importance of protecting human rights in the field of environment and climate, and presented the practice of international and national courts, which increasingly recognize these rights. Danijela Isailović, Manager of the Association Renewable Energy Sources of Serbia (RES Serbia) emphasized the importance of increasing the use of green energy in the fight against climate change, as well as that the social and political willingness to commit to environmental protection and energy by increasing the use of renewable energy sources is apparent. Irina Kustova, CEPS researcher (Centre for European Policy Studies) from Brussels spoke about the importance and effects of the European Green Deal, the repercussions of this document in international relations and expectations from its implementation, with the effects and support that are intended for the Western Balkans countries, including Serbia. There were questions about each topic from the audience, and the round table was supported by Heinrich Böll and RES Serbia.
The main conclusion of the Round Table is that this topic, which has become part of our professional activities and daily lives, attracts great attention and triggers the need for UPES to continue organizing similar activities to connect all stakeholders in the field of energy and climate change.